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Addicted to Instagram? Here’s how to find out the time spent on app

Last updated on January 31st, 2022 at 10:22 am


New Delhi: We live in a time where social media has become an essential component of our daily lives. We cannot imagine a world without our social media handles, from checking up with friends and family and sharing humorous memes to keeping the world up to date on the most recent events in our lives. Instagram has grown enormously in popularity among young people all around the world in recent years. From making reels, going live, sharing selfies, and texting friends to following your favourite individuals, including celebrities, Instagram provides a plethora of entertainment activities.

If you have followed a large number of people or pages, the amount of content on your feed may be limitless, prompting you to spend hours reading through it. You may soon realise that spending too much time on Instagram is interfering with your other activities and resolve to curb your addiction. To begin, the most reasonable thing to do is to calculate how much time you have spent on the app. Instagram gives you the opportunity to do so. There is a way to find out how much time you spent on the app on average over the last seven days.

Here is how you can find out the time you spend on the app:

Step 1: Open the Instagram app on your smartphone. By default, your feed should be visible.

Step 2: To access your profile, tap on your profile image at the bottom right of your screen.

Step 3: The menu choice is represented by a three-line icon with three vertical lines in the upper right corner. Tap it to activate it.

Step 4: Tap ‘Your activity’ from the list that appears, and then tap on time. You should be able to see how much time you spent on Instagram in the previous week.

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