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A Celebration of Women’s Strength and Science at IASEW’s Event

A Celebration of Women’s Strength and Science at IASEW’s Event

A Celebration of Women’s Strength and Science at IASEW’s Event

A Celebration of Women’s Strength and Science at IASEW’s Event

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The Indian Academy for Self-Employed Women (IASEW) celebrated the 50th International Women’s Day with the special theme “STEM and IASEW – Past, Present, and Future.” The main objective of this program was to highlight the experiences and service activities of three generations of women in STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics).

The program began with a prayer, followed by IASEW Program Coordinator Shantaben Koshti welcoming the assembled gathering. For the women present at this event, STEM is not just a subject to study; it proves useful in their daily lives and work. Grassroots women, who have gained experience in measurement, calculation, and other technical tasks without formal degrees, shared their insights.

In the middle of the program, a 53-year-old woman involved in the handloom business for many years spoke about expanding the business and providing employment to local women. A 41-year-old female farm laborer discussed her work in the field, and a 24-year-old young woman presented her dreams of pursuing a career and developing an indigenous IT company. This was followed by a speech by Namrataben Bali, Director of IASEW.

As the program continued, women working in traditional fields such as animal husbandry, agriculture, and masonry, as well as young women pursuing careers in modern fields such as architecture and IT, presented their experiences and ideas in detail. The abilities, innovations, and leadership qualities of all the women present at this event were showcased. These women demonstrated through their experiences how they learned and became experts today.

The chief guests of the program were ISRO scientist Aasiya Topiwala, Mica University Communication Professor Pooja Thomas, and Anant National University Professor Sharmila Sagara. They praised the contributions and service activities of women in STEM. Furthermore, dynamic conversations were held, leading to insights into how grassroots women are breaking barriers and creating solutions for tomorrow in STEM and allied fields.

IASEW Director Namrata Bali stated that the main objective of this program was to present the contributions of women in STEM and to inspire the younger generation.

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