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Can Ukrainian medical students complete their studies in India?



The miserable situation of Medical Students returning from Ukraine

According to experts, allowing medical students returning from Ukraine to complete their training in India would necessitate a change to the National Medical Council Act.

This is a far easier task to say than to execute.

The destiny of Indian medical students rescued from Ukraine’s war-torn country is in doubt. They’ve returned, unsure of what will happen to their medical careers.

As Russia’s aggression continues and buildings and institutions in Ukraine crumble, the future of Ukraine’s medical universities is likewise uncertain.

This has raised the question of whether Indian medical institutes will be able to absorb these students presently.

Hopes were raised when Union minister General VK Singh was seen in a video stating that Poland had agreed to take in rescued Ukrainian students at their universities.

“Many are planning to migrate to Poland, Armenia, and Hungary since they have refugee programs where students may enroll and complete their studies,” said Shriya Sharma, a medical student.

“As of now, the university is closed until March 1,” she continued. “I’m hoping my university doesn’t get bombed.”

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