Hera Pheri, a timeless comedy from Bollywood, has been making headlines ever since it was reported that a third installment of the movie was on the way. However, since then, there has been a good deal of controversy around it due to rumors that Akshay Kumar won’t be repeating his part as Raju. Fans felt quite discouraged. Suniel Shetty, who played Shyam in the movie, recently provided a new update.
Akshay Kumar plays Raju in Hera Pheri, Suniel plays Shyam, and Paresh Rawal plays Babu Bhaiya. In a comedic film, no other actors could pull off this legendary triumvirate. However, the rumors that Kartik Aaryan might replace Akki as Raju in the film caused quite a stir because the fans did not like it.
Suniel Shetty will speak to Akki regarding the news that Akshay Kumar won’t be repeating his role as Raju in the third installment of Hera Pheri. When asked to provide an update on the situation in an interview with India Today, Suniel Shetty responded, “It will happen in the greatest possible way.”
Suniel Shetty continued, “Fingers crossed because I have always stated Raju ke bina Shyam nahi aur Shyam ke bina Babu bhaiya nahi aur teeno ke bina Hera Phera nahi,” before adding, “Going deeper in the discourse.”
Kartik Aaryan’s replacement of Akshay Kumar in Hera Pheri 3 has just been a rumor up to this point because no one has ever confirmed it. In a previous interview. Suniel Shetty addressed such rumors and discussed whether or not he would miss Akshay if he didn’t return to the film as Raju. Of course, I will, and being with Raju, Shyam, and Babu Rao was the intention, he responded.
There won’t be another legendary three like Paresh Rawal, Suniel Shetty, and Akshay Kumar. How do you feel about Hera Pheri 3? Inform us!