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Jay Patel Relives Revolutionary History at India House, London

Jay Patel Relives Revolutionary History at India House, London

Jay Patel Relives Revolutionary History at India House, London

Jay Patel Relives Revolutionary History at India House, London

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In a touching and deeply emotional visit, actor Jay Patel, who plays Shyamji Krishna Varma in the movie “Swatantra Veer Savarkar,” recently toured 65 Cromwell Avenue, India House in London. This historic site, rich with revolutionary history and national pride, left Patel visibly moved as he walked through its storied halls.

India House, established in 1905 by Shyamji Krishna Varma, was much more than a building. It was a sanctuary for Indian students and revolutionaries who sought freedom from British colonial rule. Varma, a visionary leader, created India House as a place where Indian students in Britain could meet, share ideas, and plan for India’s independence. He also founded the Indian Home Rule Society, which provided scholarships to bright Indian students, including Vinayak Damodar Savarkar, a key figure in India’s struggle for freedom.

During its heyday, India House hosted many luminaries such as Savarkar, Madan Lal Dhingra, Madame Cama, V.V.S. Aiyar, Lala Har Dayal, Bhai Parmanand, M.P.T. Acharya, S.R. Rana, and even M.K. Gandhi. These freedom fighters gathered within its walls to discuss strategies and fuel the fire of resistance against the British Raj. Each room in the house echoes with the dreams, discussions, and determinations of these great individuals.

Jay Patel’s Connection to India House

Jay Patel’s recent visit to India House was especially significant. Although he had visited before in 1997, this visit was different because he had deeply immersed himself in the life and legacy of Shyamji Krishna Varma for his role in “Swatantra Veer Savarkar.” This role gave him a new perspective and a deeper emotional connection to the place.

Marc, the current owner of India House, welcomed Patel warmly and encouraged him to explore the historic premises. As Patel wandered through the house, he was struck by the energy and spirit that still seemed to fill the rooms. He was particularly moved when Marc gifted him a book on Shyamji Krishna Varma, written by Adam Yamey. This gesture deepened Patel’s emotional connection to the house and its history.

“It was incredible to imagine Shyamji and other freedom fighters planning, cooking, sleeping, and strategizing within these walls. I was overwhelmed thinking about what these heroes did 120 years ago for our country’s freedom,” Patel shared.

The Legacy of Shyamji Krishna Varma

Shyamji Krishna Varma was a towering figure in the Indian independence movement. He was a lawyer, journalist, and freedom fighter who believed passionately in India’s right to self-rule. Varma’s work at India House was instrumental in laying the groundwork for the Indian independence movement. He provided not only a physical space for revolutionaries to gather but also the intellectual and financial support they needed to pursue their goals.

Varma’s vision extended beyond just India House. He founded the Indian Sociologist, a publication that spread revolutionary ideas among Indian expatriates and supported the broader independence movement. His efforts to educate and support Indian students in Britain helped create a generation of leaders who would later play crucial roles in India’s struggle for freedom.

Jay Patel’s Emotional Journey

For Jay Patel, visiting India House after portraying Shyamji Krishna Varma was an emotional and transformative experience. “Visiting India House now, after portraying Shyamji Krishna Varma, is an indescribable feeling,” Patel shared. “I felt an overwhelming sense of power and emotion, imagining the courage and vision Varma had back in 1906. He started a revolution, provided scholarships, and lit the flame of independence that would eventually engulf the entire nation.”

Patel’s portrayal of Shyamji Krishna Varma in “Swatantra Veer Savarkar” has been praised for its authenticity and depth. Much of this authenticity comes from Patel’s deep understanding of Varma’s life, which he credits to Padma Shri Vishnu Pandya’s book on the great leader. This detailed narrative provided Patel with invaluable insights into Varma’s struggles and achievements, which he incorporated into his performance.

The Impact of India House on Modern India

India House’s impact on the Indian independence movement cannot be overstated. It was a place where ideas were born and plans were made. The revolutionaries who gathered there were united by their shared dream of a free India. Their discussions and strategies laid the groundwork for many of the actions that would eventually lead to India’s independence.

The legacy of India House continues to inspire people today. It stands as a reminder of the power of vision, determination, and unity in the face of oppression. For those who visit, like Jay Patel, it is a place where history comes alive and the sacrifices of those who fought for freedom are deeply felt.

Jay Patel’s Broader Commitment to Indian History

Beyond his acting career, Jay Patel is a successful businessman based in New York, known for his ventures in technology and finance. However, his commitment to preserving and promoting Indian history and culture is evident in both his professional and personal life. His portrayal of Shyamji Krishna Varma is just one example of his dedication to honouring the legacy of India’s freedom fighters.

On March 30th, marking the death anniversary of Shyamji Krishna Varma, Patel flew from New York to Mandvi, Kutch, to visit Varma’s birthplace and pay tribute. This visit was another testament to his profound respect and admiration for the great leader. Patel’s efforts to keep the memory of Varma and other freedom fighters alive highlight the importance of remembering and honouring the past.

A Personal Reflection on the Visit

As Patel concluded his visit to India House, he expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to walk in the footsteps of giants. “I am so glad to be back here. This visit has strengthened my resolve to continue sharing the stories of our freedom fighters and their unwavering quest for liberty.”

Patel’s visit to India House serves as a powerful reminder of the enduring legacy of Shyamji Krishna Varma and the countless revolutionaries who fought for India’s freedom. It highlights the importance of remembering and honouring the past as we continue to strive for a better future.


Jay Patel’s journey through India House is not just a story of one man’s emotional visit to a historic site; it is a testament to the enduring power of history and the lasting impact of those who fought for freedom. It reminds us of the importance of preserving our heritage and passing on the stories of courage and sacrifice to future generations.

Through his portrayal of Shyamji Krishna Varma and his dedication to honouring the legacy of India’s freedom fighters, Jay Patel has shown that the spirit of the past can still inspire and guide us today. His visit to India House is a poignant reminder that the quest for liberty and justice is a timeless endeavour, one that continues to resonate across generations.


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