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“Keeping Teens Safe in the Internet Era: Practical Tips for Parents”

Keeping Teens Safe in the Internet Era Practical Tips for Parents

Keeping Teens Safe in the Internet Era Practical Tips for Parents

Keeping Teens Safe in the Internet Era: Practical Tips for Parents

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Gathering on Parenting and Online Safety: A Measure to Protect Our Adolescents

Ahmedabad played host to a thought-provoking and consequential discussion on parenting in the digital era on September 12, 2024. One of the most important problems of our day, the Kalorex Group’s event sought to discuss how to keep today’s youth safe while using the internet. Parents are confronted with fresh obstacles in shielding their children from online threats as the number of young people fully embracing technology continues to soar.

Meeting the Difficulty Levels of the Internet Era

Dr. Manjula Pooja Shroff, MD and CEO of the Kalorex Group, was the event’s moderator. Keeping children safe in a technologically advanced society is a complex issue, and Dr. Shroff spent some time discussing these issues. Modern parents face never-before-seen threats, including as cyberbullying, catfishing, online grooming, and social media addiction.

In her remarks, she emphasised the need of parents being well-informed about the risks their children face online and equipped to help them navigate it. Dr. Shroff stressed the importance of parents remaining informed and watchful in this age of rapidly developing technology in order to protect their children.

Complete Parenting Solutions Unveiled

Kalorex Group seized the chance to address these issues by introducing a complete solution that would assist parents in guiding their children over the digital obstacles they encounter. The occasion marked the debut of Total Parenting Solutions, a comprehensive resource designed to educate parents about the dangers posed by the internet and provide them with actionable steps to protect their children.

All parties involved, from kids to their parents, will benefit from the solution’s suite of tools. The best-selling book Baby Steps to Big Dreams by Dr. Manjula Pooja Shroff is one of these; it offers advice on how to be a parent in the modern world. Dr. Shroff and senior journalist Ms. Ragini Bharadwaj collaborated on the much-anticipated sequel, Safe Teen Steps—Making Young Adults Cyber Secure, which was released at the same event. With helpful pointers on how to deal with these issues, the book digs further into the risks that teens encounter when using the internet.

Introducing Safe Teen Steps: A Teen’s Guide to Navigating the Internet

An important part of the event was the book Safe Teen Steps, which deals with the increasing risks that teens encounter when using the internet. It addresses delicate subjects that many parents struggle to broach with their children, such as cyberbullying, online grooming, sexting, blackmailing, and social media addiction.

The pragmatic tone is what really makes this book stand out. In addition to outlining the issues, it offers practical solutions that parents and teens may use to be secure while using the internet. This book aims to provide parents and young adults the tools they need to feel safe and secure when navigating the internet.

While speaking at the occasion, Ms. Bharadwaj emphasised how the book sheds light on taboo subjects that today’s teens face. The book’s stated goal is to help young people feel more comfortable interacting with adults online by encouraging two-way communication between parents and their children.

Alarming Rates of Cyberbullying in India: Findings from the McAfee Survey

The audience was informed of disturbing cyberbullying statistics in India as part of the discussion. More than 85% of Indian children, the highest percentage globally, have reported being victims of cyberbullying, according to a recent study by McAfee Corp. The survey also revealed that over half of the youths surveyed do not tell their parents or guardians about cyberbullying, which further emphasises the importance of raising awareness and encouraging open dialogue between parents and children.

These results highlight the critical need for parents to take the initiative to talk to their children about these concerns and to arm themselves with the information they need to help.

What the Future Holds for Sitting-By-MAYA Parents in the Digital Era

The event also featured the debut of Sitting-By-MAYA, an AI-powered service that aims to answer questions about parenting and students’ needs instantly. With the constant flow of fresh information in today’s society, both teachers and parents face new problems every day. Sitting-By-MAYA is an adaptive and interactive platform that can help with these emergencies.

As part of a larger effort, the Kalorex Group has developed this application to streamline and simplify digital parenting using state-of-the-art technologies. In 2023, the Kalorex Group released MAYA—the first artificial intelligence (AI) mentor, teacher, and influencer in India. Since then, MAYA has helped thousands of children, teachers, and parents in more than 70 locations around the country.

Maya, an artificial intelligence clone of Dr. Manjula Pooja Shroff, has quickly become an invaluable resource for parents and educators seeking quick, trustworthy answers to a variety of questions.

The Value of Honest Dialogue in the Internet Age

The significance of encouraging children and parents to communicate honestly and openly was stressed by Dr. Manjula Pooja Shroff in her closing remarks. The digital world, she said, has many risks, but it also has many chances for learning and development. Cyberbullying, online grooming, and social media addiction are real problems, and kids need adults to help them navigate the internet safely.

In today’s technological era, parents must take an active role, stay educated, and participate in their children’s online activities, according to Dr. Shroff. In this way, parents may ensure that their children enjoy the benefits of the internet while avoiding its risks.

Final Thoughts: Making Our Youth More Secure for the Future

Helping parents and educators understand the new issues teenagers encounter online was a major goal of the Kalorex Group’s session on parenting in the digital era. Parents may now, more than ever before, take advantage of tools like Total Parenting Solutions, Safe Teen Steps, and Sitting-By-MAYA to help their children feel comfortable and secure when using technology.

Our methods of parenting will also need to change as the digital landscape develops further. Such gatherings bring together parents and technology to make the world a safer place for future generations.

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