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Pediatricians gather in Ahmedabad for a three-day brainstorming session to advance their training


Renouned Pediatrists of Gujarat

The Academy of Pediatrics Gujarat is holding the three-day 48th Annual State Conference – GujPedicon 2022 in Ahmedabad from Friday to Sunday, claiming that post-Covid newborns, children, adolescents, and parents are experiencing a surge in healthcare issues and the world needs to think creatively and improve the systems of care to meet the demand and provide the best care for affected.

This seminar is being put on to raise awareness about dealing with all of these problems without turning to self-medication. More than 500 paediatricians from Gujarat and elsewhere will attend this seminar.

Manoj Aggarwal IAS, Additional Principal Secretary for Gujarat Health and Family Welfare, will attend as the chief guest, and Dr. Upendra Kinjawadekar, President of CIAP 2023, will be the guest of honour. Both GujPedicon organising chair Dr. Chetan Trivedi and UNICEF Gujarat head Prashantha Das will be there.

Additionally, Dr. Chetan Trivedi’s installation as the Academy of Paediatrics Gujarat’s new president will be celebrated.

Dr. Chetan Trivedi, the president-elect of the Gujarat Academy of Paediatrics, said during the “Gujpedicon 2022” curtain-raiser event that various experts and seniors in the field of paediatrics and its sub-specialities would share their knowledge, innovations, and expertise with their fellow members to advance their skills and expertise. In addition, they will stay current on paediatric breakthroughs in order to better the healthcare for children in our state. A series of lectures and panel discussions on current topics in child health, social issues, adolescent health, lifestyle issues, neonatal issues, immunisation, etc. are part of the conference. Additionally, the health department representatives from Ahmedabad Municipal Corporation, the Gujarati government, and UNICEF will coordinate the sessions.

According to Dr. Chetan Trivedi, further workshops will be held on Kangaroo Mother Care, advanced life support for babies, antibiotic prescriptions, and paediatric infections on the first day. To sharpen their skills in the most recent developments in childcare, all healthcare professionals will participate in this, including nursing staff, general practitioners, and paediatricians.

“Following that, conferences on a range of subjects relating to children’s health issues will be place for the following two days. We are making an effort to design this conference in an environmentally responsible way, therefore plastic water bottles and bags won’t be utilised in the process. Instead of using paper, we will use environmentally friendly solutions like digital displays or soft copies, Dr. Chetan Trivedi remarked.

There are 22 urban branches and 2,200 members of the Academy of Paediatrics Gujarat. An affiliate of the APG is the Academy of Paediatrics Ahmedabad, which has 550 members. The Academy of Pediatrics works in a number of social activity domains in addition to the medical one.

Scientific convener Dr. Nishchal Bhatt, organising co-chair Dr. Bela Shah, chief organising secretary Dr. Manish Mehta, convener Dr. Rakesh Sharma, and co-convener Dr. JK Gosai were all in attendance and offered their opinions.

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