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 Steady 70 sees Karandeep Kochhar through in final round of Gujarat Open Golf Championship 2022 presented by Gujarat Tourism

Karandeep Singh

Karandeep Kochhar receives the winning cheque and trophy from Ms. Khyati Nayak, Head - Business Development, Gujarat Tourism (2nd from left) and Mr. Dinesh Shah, Chairman, Navratna Group (3rd from left). The other dignitaries seen in the picture are Mr. Devang Shah, MD, Navratna Group (2nd from right), Mr. Pranav Shah, MD, Navratna Group (extreme right) and Mr. Uttam Singh Mundy, CEO, PGTI (extreme left).

Steady 70 sees Karandeep Kochhar through in final round of Gujarat Open Golf Championship 2022 presented by Gujarat Tourism
Ahmedabad, February 25, 2022: Karandeep Kochhar carrying forward his rich vein of form from last season, lifted the title on a dramatic final day at the Gujarat Open Golf Championship 2022 presented by Gujarat Tourism held at the Kalhaar Blues & Greens Golf Club in Ahmedabad.
Chandigarh-based Karandeep (64-75-69-70), who was overnight tied fourth and two off the lead, came from behind with a steady two-under 70 on day four to sign off with a 10-under 278 total and wrap up his fourth title.
Arjun Prasad (73-65-70-71), who like Kochhar was also overnight tied fourth, came within striking range of his maiden title before narrowly missing out. The Delhi golfer totaled nine-under 279 following a final round of 71.
Ranjit Singh of Chandigarh, the joint overnight leader, submitted a card of 74 to claim third place at eight-under 280.
Bengaluru’s M Dharma and Kapil Kumar of Delhi, the other two joint leaders after round three, shot scores of 75 to end the week in tied fourth place at seven-under 281.
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