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Teachings That Change Lives: Bhagavad Gita Seminar at Swarrnim University

Teachings That Change Lives: Bhagavad Gita Seminar at Swarrnim University

Teachings That Change Lives: Bhagavad Gita Seminar at Swarrnim University

Teachings That Change Lives: Bhagavad Gita Seminar at Swarrnim University

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The Value of Gratitude and Humility in Everyday Life

A thought-provoking seminar named “Life Lessons from Bhagavad Gita” was recently held at the Arihant School of Pharmacy, which is a division of Swarrnim Startup & Innovation University. Approximately seventy-four students and faculty members enthusiastically participated in this event, which was held in the university’s Seminar Hall.

An Honourable Orator

Dr Pathik Brahmkshatriya, a renowned industrialist and the founder and CEO of Iconnectar Pharma Innovations, was the event’s keynote speaker. In addition, Dr. Brahmkshatriya is Mirzyme Therapeutics’ Director of Preclinical Development, located in Birmingham, UK. His insights into the teachings of the Bhagavad Gita were greatly expected given his excellent background.

Sync and Objective

The head of the pharmacy department, Dr. Sandip Patel, skilfully oversaw the seminar. The primary goal of setting up this seminar was to impart to the pupils the ageless wisdom found in the Bhagavad Gita. The intention was to assist students in comprehending how these lessons can direct them through the decisions and problems of life.

Essential Lessons Explored

Many Bhagavad Gita subjects were mentioned in Dr. Brahmkshatriya’s talk. He discussed the value of having a mentor or guide in life and compared it to Arjuna and Krishna’s relationship in the Gita. He clarified how clarity and calm may be attained by faith and submission to a higher force.

Managing the Challenges of Life

The Bhagavad Gita’s practical guidance on overcoming life’s challenges was one of the main topics of discussion. Dr. Brahmkshatriya emphasized Gita’s lessons on maintaining composure and concentration in the face of difficulty. He focused on the Gita’s teachings on resilience and how we should carry out our responsibilities without being unduly dependent on the outcome.

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The Importance of Gratitude and Humility

Dr. Brahmkshatriya also discussed the Bhagavad Gita’s teachings on thankfulness and humility. He emphasized that these attributes are necessary for both sustaining wholesome relationships and personal development. He used anecdotes and tales from his own life to show how living a life of humility and thankfulness might result in greater fulfillment.

The Value of Service and Distancing

The value of service and letting go of material belongings were also discussed in the seminar. According to Dr. Brahmkshatriya, the Gita encourages us to be selfless in our service to others and to take pleasure in lending a hand to those in need. He also discussed the need to avoid being overly dependent on material possessions because true happiness originates from the inside.

Engaging Q & A Period

During the interactive Q&A portion of the presentation, staff members and students had a chance to ask Dr. Brahmkshatriya questions. This portion of the program was especially interesting since it gave attendees a chance to learn more about the subjects covered and improve their comprehension of how to put Gita’s lessons into practice.

Useful Applications

Dr. Brahmkshatriya offered helpful advice on how to apply the Bhagavad Gita’s teachings to everyday situations. He recommended straightforward routines like self-reflection daily, mindfulness, and meditation. In addition, he urged pupils to frequently study the Bhagavad Gita and engage in peer and mentor discussion of its lessons.

Individual Thoughts

Numerous attendees discussed their insights from the program. Students talked about how the workshop changed the way they perceived life and improved their ability to deal with stress and difficulties. The Gita’s lessons were valued by the faculty for their applicability in both private and professional settings.

Dr. Sandip Patel gave a sincere vote of gratitude to close the session. He conveyed his appreciation to Dr. Brahmkshatriya for imparting his expertise and knowledge. In addition, Dr. Patel expressed gratitude to the instructors and students for their enthusiastic engagement.

The seminar was a huge success all around. Participants gained insightful knowledge and useful insights from it, which deepened their comprehension of the profound wisdom revealed in the Bhagavad Gita. The occasion emphasized the value of applying traditional wisdom to contemporary situations and showed how timeless and relevant the Bhagavad Gita’s teachings are.

upcoming events

In the future, Swarrnim Startup & Innovation University intends to hold further seminars with a similar theme, highlighting various facets of traditional knowledge and contemporary insights. The institution seeks to give students a well-rounded education that equips them for life’s challenges on all fronts—not only intellectual ones but also psychological and spiritual ones.

Every person who attended the session on “Life Lessons from Bhagavad Gita” was deeply impacted. It served as a reminder that the Bhagavad Gita’s teachings are still applicable and can offer helpful direction in our day-to-day lives even though they are thousands of years old.

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