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Samsung’s Galaxy S22 Ultra has been Notefied.



Those words were not spoken at Samsung’s recent Galaxy Unpacked 2022 event, but they certainly lingered. Samsung’s Note line was expected to be phased out in 2022, according to rumors. The fact that Samsung did not introduce a flagship Galaxy Note in 2021 further added fuel to the fire, especially as support for the S Pen stylus (a Galaxy Note exclusive) was expanded to other smartphones like the Galaxy S21 Ultra and Galaxy Fold 3. Many believed that Samsung’s announcement of the Galaxy S22 Ultra, which had not only support but also a specific slot for the S Pen, signaled the end of the Galaxy Note era.

The Galaxy Note’s Rise and Fall

It was also a risky move by Samsung to combine two of its most popular premium product lines. Previously, the Korean company took pains to distinguish between the S and Note series. The positioning was simple: the S series was aimed at general customers who wanted a powerful phone with a great camera and a great display, whereas the Note was aimed at productivity-conscious users, with a larger display and the iconic S Pen stylus tucked within. The Note was likely the most distinctive phone due to its huge display, generally good cameras, battery life, and, most importantly, its stylus. in the entire world Despite the fact that the Galaxy S was meant to be the flagship phone, the Note was widely seen as the true iPhone rival and was frequently regarded as the greatest non-iPhone flagship. With the Galaxy Note 7 debacle in 2016, that changed.

The difficulties with the smartphone, which resulted in numerous handsets exploding, thrust the Galaxy S series into the spotlight. While the Note recovered and even did well, there was a sense that it had lost steam as a result of the setback. Furthermore, one of its most valuable characteristics a large display has become a common phone feature, with many phones featuring large displays.

In fact, the S Pen pen had marked the dividing line between the Galaxy S and the Galaxy Note, which had become incredibly thin. When the Galaxy Note 20 was reported to be underperforming, many in the tech community believed it was time for the Note to retire.

Is it possible that the Galaxy Note 22 will be rebranded?

Samsung appeared to be thinking along the same lines. In 2021, S Pen functionality was added to both the S21 Ultra and the Galaxy Fold 3, however, the stylus had to be purchased separately in both cases and neither device had room to store it.

However, the Galaxy S22 Ultra, which was unveiled at the Galaxy Unpacked event, has no such limitations. It not only works with the S Pen but also has it built into the body, just like the Note. In addition, the S22 Ultra, like the Note, had a huge display (although not as big a deal as it once was). The S22, like the Note, stands apart from the rest of the S series.

Ultra distinguishes itself from its siblings, the S22 and S22+. The S22, like the Note, comes with a premium price tag, beginning at USD 1,199. (the Indian price has not been revealed at the time of writing).

The resemblance was so striking that several critics dubbed the S 22 Ultra a “rebranded Galaxy Note 22.”

The major question is whether the S22 Ultra, whether it’s a whole new model or a renamed Note, can carve out a place for itself in the same way that the Note series did at its heyday, and therefore challenge the iPhone as the premium segment’s Top Gun. Given the tepid reception to the Note series, some argue that canceling it was a reasonable decision.

The S and Note series are becoming increasingly similar, as evidenced by the Note 20. It is not, however, as straightforward as that. In fact, by Note-flying the S22 Ultra, Samsung has taken a risky bet. The Stylus Competition

The Stylus Competition

The stylus that comes with the S22 Ultra poses the most problem. Yes, the S22 Ultra has excellent hardware, but we expect to see other Android makers equal it in the coming days, possibly at a cheaper price. It’s the stylus that sets it apart, but is it still as important as it was a few years ago? The S Pen stylus was the Note’s selling point. Without it, you wouldn’t be able to receive a Note. In fact, it was for this reason that the majority of people purchased the Note. The S22 Ultra continues this legacy. You will not be able to purchase the S22 Ultra without a stylus. That may seem wonderful, but the S Pen, which was once a formidable weapon, has been out in the cold for more than a year, as no phone produced in 2021 came with it as a single package. The stylus’ prospects were thought to have been hurt by the Note 7’s removal. The gap between the Note 20 and the S22 Uttra may have a similar effect. Remember what happened to BlackBerry’s iconic QWERTY keypad when the company took a year off to update its operating system? People simply moved on with their lives.

Despite how powerful a weapon the S Pen is, there is serious concern that this could have happened with it as well. Some believe that Samsung would have done better if it had kept the Note as a separate series, or even merged it with the S series in terms of nomenclature by calling the device the S22 Ultra (Note Edition), offering customers the option of getting an S Pen model or a similar one without it. As of currently, this is not possible because the S22 and S22+ both have an inferior display, camera, and other specifications. You’re looking for the top-of-the-line S22? You will also receive a stylus, whether you want it or not. Some customers may not like this, especially if there are cheaper alternatives available.

Invasion of the iPhone

Not only will the Galaxy S22 Ultra have to contend with Android devices, but it will also have to contend with the iPhone. Apple’s phone has been on a roll for a while, and the lack of a clear Android competitor has undoubtedly aided its cause.

The S22 Ultra has the potential to change that.

It not only has an impressive feature sheet, but it also comes with a stylus, which sets it apart from the Android throng. However, given the magnitude of the undertaking, standing out is unlikely to be enough – according to Gartner, four of the top five selling phones in the first three quarters of 2021 were iPhones. Surprisingly, the fifth phone was a Samsung. However, not only will the Galaxy S22 Ultra have to contend with Android devices, but it will also have to contend with the iPhone. Apple’s phone has been on a roll for a while, and the lack of a clear Android competitor has undoubtedly aided its cause.

The S22 Ultra has the potential to change that.

It not only has an impressive feature sheet, but it also comes with a stylus, which sets it apart from the Android throng. However, given the magnitude of the undertaking, standing out is unlikely to be enough – according to Gartner, four of the top five selling phones in the first three quarters of 2021 were iPhones. Surprisingly, the fifth phone was a Samsung. However, after the Note 7 debacle, we believe the brand has the marketing force and know-how to pull it off. And if it doesn’t, who knows, perhaps a Note 22 will be released later this year?

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