The atmosphere turned serious during the ‘Shanivaar Ka Vaar’ as Salman Khan, the host, revealed that Jigna Vora would be leaving the show. Jigna, along with four others, was up for eviction this week, but unfortunately, she didn’t get enough votes from the audience, leading to her departure. This week proved to be tough for Jigna, especially after being nominated by Arun Srikanth, a fellow contestant with whom she had a strong connection. Despite resolving their differences, the impact of their strained relationship contributed to Jigna’s eviction.
Jigna Vora had an eventful five weeks in the ‘BIGG BOSS’ house, marked by her close friendship with Rinku Dhawan. The show took an interesting turn when it organized a press conference where Jigna shared details about her past struggles and controversies, creating a buzz nationwide. Known for her nurturing nature, Jigna became a motherly figure and a trusted friend to some contestants. Many sought her advice, considering her a reliable source of wisdom. Alongside Rinku, she played a crucial role in feeding the initial 17 contestants and teaching culinary skills to those in need.
Reflecting on her exit, Jigna Vora shared, “Leaving India’s biggest reality show, BIGG BOSS, is a mix of emotions. I’m genuinely grateful for the chance to show my true self to the world. The past six weeks were a whirlwind of beautiful moments and memories that I will always cherish. I formed strong bonds, especially with Rinku and Munawar, and I’m cheering for them to win the show. The highlight for me was listening to Salman Khan share his experiences and wisdom. I hope this season continues to be a big success.”
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